This painting is a large sofa painting.
In private collection.
Small 20 x 16. Her name is Sara and
she is resting after just having coaxed the last few blossoms of spring to bloom for Easter. And of course Sara is pondering the age old chocolate question,
"Ears or tails."
$125.00 As always' I'm not an oak but a willow. I can ben and sway. I love to haggle. If you have a price in mind, let me hear it.
This one is 16 x 20. (sorry....I only have a cropped version to show.
I love this one, but I have promised
myself to not hang onto the paintings
just because I love them. Paintings
are a lot like children; the should
never be locked up. I REFUSE to
clip their wings just because I would
have them around. (sigh)
$125.00 (but of course....the more I care about you, the less the cost....and I've been known to barter.